


1、  专用液压伸缩式履带底盘,大直径回转支承,整机稳定性更高;

It adopts dedicated hydraulic retractable crawler chassis and large diameter slewing bearing and has high stability;


2、  整机设计满足CE指令要求,安全性能有保证,满足欧排放标准;

The design of the machine complies with CE standard to ensure it’safty and Euro III emission standard.

3、  动力头拥有普通模式和入岩模式,分别针对土层和岩层作业,提高了施工效率;

The rotary drive can switch between Normal mode and Rock mode which are applicable for soil and rock excavation respectivelyimprove the efficiency.


4、  前置单排绳主卷扬结构,钢丝绳寿命大大延长,使用成本更低;

It adopts the front-located single-rope main winch structure to greatly prolong the service life of steel wire rope and lower the use cost.


5、  多种钻杆钻具配置可供选择,可满足大孔深桩硬地层施工,最大钻深102米;

Several forms of Drilling rods are available for construction of big holes and deep piles in hard formationthe max. depth is 102 meters .

6、  可选多功能配置:支腿油缸,套管驱动,扩展性好;

Several extended functions are available for selection, such as foot bracing oil cylinder, sleeve-driven.

7、  标配集中润滑系统,维护保养更便捷,提高工作可靠性。

It is equipped with a centralized lubrication system as standard configuration; maintenance is easy.


发动机 型号 ? CUMMINS QSM11-C400
额定功率 kW 298 
动力头 最大输出扭矩 kN·m 360
转速 r/min 5-20
最大钻孔直径 mm Φ2500
最大钻孔深度 m 102
加压卷扬 最大加压力 kN 240
最大提升力 kN 250
最大行程 m 6
主卷扬 最大提升力 kN 280
最大卷扬速度 m/min 72
副卷扬 最大提升力 kN 100
最大卷扬速度 m/min 65
钻桅倾度侧向 / 前倾 / 后倾  ± 3°/ 5°/ 15°
底    盘 最大行走速度 km/h 1.5
最大爬坡度 % 35
最小离地点间隙 mm 450
履带板宽度 mm 800
履带最大总宽 mm 4800
液压系统 Mpa 35
整机工作质量  t 92
外形尺寸 工作状态  mm 11000×4800×24586
运输状态 mm 17380×3500×3810

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