湖南灌装机厂家 自动灌装机 纯净水灌装机价格 汉


电    源:AC180V-260V               外箱尺寸:400×380×200(mm)
功    率:300W                       整机重量:5.5Kg
大范围:2ml-3500ml                 大吸程:2m
大流量:3.2L/min                   出料防滴漏功能:有
重复误差:<0.5%                     断电记忆功能:有

  电源:220V 50Hz




 FragmentWelcome to consult...is own with an inquiring look, and a forehead with
a singular capacity (remembering how young and smooth it was),
of lifting and knitting itself into an that was not quite
one of perplexity, or wonder, or alarm, or merely of a bright fixed
attention, though it included all the four s—as his eyes
rested on these things, a sudden vivid likeness passed before him,
of a child whom he had held in his arms on the passage across that
very Channel, one cold time, when the hail drifted heavily and the
sea ran high. The likeness passed away, like a breath along the
surface of the gaunt pier-glass behind her, on the frame of which,
a hospital procession of Negro cupids, several headless and all
cripples, were offering black baskets of Dead Sea fruit to black
divinities of the feminine gender—and he made his formal bow to
Miss Manette.

“Pray take a seat, sir.” In a very clear and pleasant young voice;
a little foreign in its accent, but a very little indeed.

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics

A Tale of Two Cities

“I kiss your hand, miss,” said Mr. Lorry, with the manners of an
earlier date, as he made his formal bow again, and took his seat.

“I received a letter from the Bank, sir, yesterday, informing me
that some intelligence—or discovery—”

“The word is not material, miss; either word will do.”

“—respecting the small property of my poor father, whom I
never saw—so long dead—” Mr. Lorry moved in his chair, and
cast a troubled look towards the hospital procession of Negro
cupids. As if they had any help for anybody in their absurd

“—rendered it necessary that I should go to Paris, there to
communicate with a gentleman of the Bank, so good as to be
despatched to Paris for the purpose.”


“As I was prepared to hear, sir.”

She curtseyed to him (young ladies made curtseys in those
days), with a pretty desire to convey to him that she felt how much
older and wiser he was than she. He made her another bow.

“I replied to the Bank, sir, that as it was considered necessary,
by those who knew, and who are so kind as to advise me, that I
should go to France, and that as I am an orphan and have no
friend who could go with me, I should esteem it highly if I might
be permitted to place myself, during the journey, under that
worthy gentleman’s protection. The gentleman had left London,
but I think a messenger was sent after him to beg the favour of his
waiting for me here.”

“I was happy,” said Mr. Lorry, “to be entrusted with the charge.
I shall be more happy to execute it.”

“Sir, I thank you indeed. I thank you very gratefully. It was told

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics

A Tale of Two Cities

me by the Bank that the gentleman would explain to me the
details of the business, and that I must prepare myself to find
them of a surprising nature. I have done my best to prepare
myself, and I naturally have a strong and eager interest to know
what they are.”

“Naturally,” said Mr. Lorry. “Yes—I—” After a pause, he
added, again settling the crisp flaxen wig at the ears.

“It is very difficult to begin.”

He did not begin, but, in his indecision, met her glance. The
young forehead lifted itself into that singular —but it
was pretty and characteristic, besides being singular—and she
raised her **s if with an involuntary actio
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